May 19, 2016
Washington, DC

The annual Awards Banquet and Presentation for 2016 was held at the Officers Club at Fort Meyer, in Arlington, Virginia on May 19.The MC for the event was John Kaufold. Here he is shown with outgoing President Mina Izadjoo, while Peg Kay looks on.

Keynote speaker for the banquet was Dr. Michael Coble, who was also the incoming President of the Academy. Dr. Coble is a Forensic Biologist in the Applied Genetics Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Previously, Dr. Coble was the Chief of the Research Section at the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, where he was involved in resolving a number of high profile historical cases including the genetic identification of the two missing Romanov children. His presentation reviewed this fascinating forensic investigation.

A special recognition award was given to our longtime Board member Fr. Frank Haig, S.J. Fr. Haig for many years has been serving as the Academy’s Treasurer and benefactor. Here he is shown with board members Mike Cohen, Sue Cross, Ron Hietala, Terrell Erickson, Mina Izadjoo, Fr. Haig, John Kaufold, Mike Coble, Terry Longstreth, Sethanne Howard and Paul Arveson.
The following awards and their presenters were on hand at the banquet:
Engineering Award: Piotr Domanski
Presenter Andrew Persily
Engineering Award: Michael Fasolka
Presenter Laurie Locascio
Leo Shubert Award for Teaching of Science in College:
Holly Frost
Presenter Anne Cupero
Physical Sciences Award: Neil Gehrels
Presenter Eleonora Troja
Mathematics Award: William Goldman
Presenter Stuart Antman
Krupsaw Award for Non-Traditional Teaching:
Mary Satterfield
Presenter Laurie Locascio
Computer Science Award: Ellen Voorhees
Presenter James St. Pierre
(Unfortunately we do not have photos of the individual awardee presentations at this banquet).