Kortepeter – Inside the Hot Zone

Mark Kortepeter, Army Colonel (Retired)

“Tales from Inside the Hot Zone and Relevance to the COVID-19 Outbreak”


Worried about infectious diseases? Ebola, Anthrax, Coronavirus?
Dr. Mark Kortepeter discusses in this webinar his experiences with responding to national, international, and lab crises, and applies lessons learned to the current COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, he discusses topics from his book “Inside the Hot Zone”, which is a riveting, real-life medical thriller.”

“To understand and appreciate the bravery of the scientists working to protect our nation from such bio-epidemics…Inside the Hot Zone is a terrifying, but indispensable guide.”
Joshua Sinai, The Washington Times

“I highly recommend this to all members of the military regardless of rank or branch of service.”
Lt. Col. George Hodge, Military Review

First presented: Washington Academy of Sciences, May 8, 2020

Mark G. Kortepeter, MD, MPH (Colonel, US Army-retired), is a physician, scientist, soldier, and author. Dr. Kortepeter’s career has spanned the hospital, research lab, the lecture hall, the battlefield, and the corner office. He is currently a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Director of the Special Pathogens Research Network.

During a 27-year Army career, Dr. Kortepeter held numerous senior positions in biodefense and research, including Deputy Commander of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID – aka, the “hot zone”), Biodefense Consultant for the Army Surgeon General and co-chair of NATO’s Biomedical Advisory Panel. He has worked with multiple organizations, including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the CDC, and the National Academy of Medicine.

Dr. Kortepeter has done some recent fieldwork as the lead for Infection Prevention and Control against Ebola virus for the World Health Organization in Burundi and as a consultant to the Pan American Health Organization against COVID-19 in the Caribbean.

He has published over 80 journal articles and book chapters, and a medical thriller memoir of his experiencing managing infectious disease crises titled Inside the Hot Zone: a Soldier on the Front Lines of Biological Warfare.” He also is also a contributor to Forbes’ “COVID-19 Frontlines Series.”

You can follow him on Twitter (@MKortepeter) or learn more on his website: http://markkortepeter.com/

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